Tire mounting and dismounting might seem like the most routine of services offered by a tire store. With today’s low profile tires and expensive original equipment and custom wheels, having the proper, state of the art equipment to do the job right is paramount. Postle’s Tire Barn has invested in three of the newest Coats High Performance Tire Changers including the Leverless Progaurd Plus, capable of handling wheels up to 30 inches in diameter, the new GTS60 and GTS70 series both of which were just released in late 2015.
Tire Services
Vibration Diagnostics
Postle’s Tire Barn has a solution to your rough riding vehicle. Our state of the art Road Force Balancing System takes the guess work out of solving vibration problems. Road Force Balancing uses up to 1250 pounds of pressure on your tires and wheels to analyze how your they ride under the weight of your vehicle. Computerized sensors calculate irregularities and allow our technicians to make needed adjustments so your car rides like new again.

Tire Rotation
Tire rotation allows for periodic inspection of your tires resulting in most irregular wear patterns being caught before they become a problem. Tire rotation also encourages even wear on all four tires for maximum treadwear over the life of your tires. We recommend rotating your tires every 5,000 miles, or at every oil change. When you buy new tires from us and our road hazard/ tire service package, we’ll rotate and balance them (when needed) for free for as long as you own them. We will also repair any flat punctures for free to help you protect your investment. *Note: 45 series tires and lower profile tires are not covered for road hazards but other services apply.

Flat Repair
Flats happen, and usually at the most inopportune time. At Postle’s Tire Barn, we never “plug” tires because it voids all new tire warranties. Plugs almost invariably separate the steel belts of the tire when they are forced in. We always take the tire off of the rim, inspect the inside for damage, then apply a patch using special vulcanizing cement which makes the repair leak proof. It’s the only way we repair punctured tires, and it’s the right way.

Tire Pressure Monitoring System
As of September 1, 2007, the U.S. Government has required that all vehicles sold in the U.S. be equipped with either a direct or indirect tire pressure monitoring system. Depending on your vehicle, the TPMS reports your tire pressure information to you either through a gauge, a pictogram display or a low-pressure warning light. As with any mechanical device on an automobile, sometimes they malfunction. Don’t worry: we can fix those too.